Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Did I Get Here?

So I figure I need to give you some context to some of these postings, a back story if you will. I'll try to make it brief but it is a great story. At least I think it is. Born and raised in Indiana, I have always been a heavy girl. From my childhood days I was always the "chubbiest" in my class. Fast forward through highschool, college, and early twenties, the weight never went away. I kept gaining. I tried (I'm laughing at myself saying tried because I really didn't try) everything. The Grapefruit Diet, Special K diet, cutting out fast food, I even joined in college Rosie's Chub Club! I remember we were the boilermaker babes or something like that?
Eating...the most delicious hot dog in Maine!

Radio Daze...Me, Michelle Branch and an old PD

By the time I was 27, I reached my heaviest...(I will work the nerve to post it). At this point in my life, I had met D, we had been seeing each other for about 8 months or so and I knew he was into fitness and ate well. But what was I suppose to say to my new boyfriend...I'm fat and I need your help? Well that's exactly what I did. The first 20 pounds came off easy, let's be honest, when you weight 247 (wow...I can't believe I typed it) 20 pounds is nothing. I worked out 5 to 6 days a week, watched what I ate, I was very disiplined. In a year in a half I had lost 61 pounds and was in love!

Then I got pregnant. Yep, got pregnant and gained about 43 pounds during my pregnancy. But I also then had this wonderful fabulous little creature to call my own. Slowly, and I mean slowly, hey it takes 9 months to put it on and at least 9 months to take it off, I lost all of the pregnancy weight and then some. So all together I have lost 78.2 pounds (if you want to be technical), since my journey has begun. It's tough though. It is not easy and now having a little one it's even tougher. The eating part is fine....okay still tough but doable most days, but the working out part is harder. Before Della, I could hop in the car go to the gym for an hour everynight afterwork and not blink an eye. Now, after she's been in daycare all day it's tough to take her to the gym. But we bought an elliptical and I still try to make it to the gym at least 3 days a week, more on that to come too.

So I thought you just needed to know where I started. In other words, How Did I Get Here.

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